Cheers to you Edinburgh !

What a brilliant day in Edinburgh for our fundraiser for Edinburgh Childrens Hospital Charity. We had, I think, the biggest band ever at 32 players and shakers. So big in fact we split it into two to cover more ground. One in the New town and one the Old town of Edinburgh. We covered about 25 pubs and played in the street quite a bit too. A big thankyou to all the pubs we went to and especially the Radison Blu for letting us use thier banquet suite to store our bags and tune up.

The weather was dry and warm which meant the streets were heavin with folk. The buckets were heavy and our new card payment machines got a lot of use. We shall find out this week when we go to the bank just how much we have raised for Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity. Apart from the card payment fees, 100% of money raised goes to the charity.

A big thankyou to all our musicians and bucket shakers. You really did us proud with a lot of effort giving up your time to do this with us. As Stuart says "We Are Pipe Band Aid". Thanks also goes to the sub-committee who organised all this. It is a lot of work sorting out all the people and pubs. And finally a big thankyou to the folk of Edinburgh who donated all the cash. You are a very generous bunch and we had a lot of fun playing for you.

Hope you like the photos and some videos will be on here soon.

We raised a total of £5000